Why is Period Delayed? Causes of Period Delay

There's nothing like obsessing over a missed period to add extra stress to our lives. Although the first thought that comes to mind is "Am I pregnant/are you pregnant?", let's stay calm. In fact, there are many underlying causes, from birth control to stress!
From the first menstrual period to menopause, monthly hormonal changes for reproduction and periodic changes that affect the entire system, especially the genitals, are defined by menstrual bleeding.
The menstrual cycle starts with the first day of the period, lasts an average of 28 days, and the cycle starts again with the first menstrual day. If this period is less than 21 days or more than 35 days, it is defined as menstrual irregularity.
A problem that occurs in any of the 4 factors that make up a "normal" period - the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary and uterus - can present as a delayed period. If the delay occurs 2 or 3 times in a year, there is no cause for concern, but if it exceeds these numbers, we can start to see it as a problem and dive deep into the various underlying causes.
Here you go!
1. Stress
Long-term periods of stress can affect the menstrual cycle, lengthening, shortening or even delaying the menstrual cycle.
According to studies, some individuals have more painful and crampy menstrual days when they are under stress. Avoiding situations that cause stress, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can help a person relieve stress and maintain a regular menstrual cycle. If we are experiencing chronic stress, the support of a doctor or counselor may be the solution to identify effective coping mechanisms.
2. Weight Loss
Losing weight seriously and doing intense exercise can delay a person's period. Being underweight or low in fat can alter reproductive hormone levels, bringing them to levels where ovulation is absent. A person who skips the menstrual period for a few months after losing weight; may consult a doctor and dietitian to balance the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that his body needs.
3. Obesity
Weight loss can cause delayed menstruation, and weight gain can affect the menstrual cycle. Obesity and delayed periods may indicate that a person has a medical condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The doctor is the most reliable way to make a correct diagnosis. Doctor; while investigating the underlying causes; examines the ovaries and may recommend blood tests and ultrasound.
4. Birth Control
Some birth control methods, especially hormonal, can make menstruation irregular.
Hormonal birth control drugs secrete estrogen and progesterone hormones that prevent the development of the egg. Using and stopping these drugs in certain periods may cause delay in menstruation.
This situation; It applies to all forms of hormonal birth control, including pills, vaccines, implants and rings. In most cases, the effects are temporary. Menstruation settles after about 6 months, but those who have concerns about birth control methods can talk to a specialist.
5. Hormonal Conditions
Some hormones such as prolactin and thyroid may be another cause of menstrual irregularity. If a hormonal imbalance is responsible for the delay in menstruation, it can be easily detected with a blood test. Some hormonal imbalances are common and genetically transmitted problems within the family. In this case, experts state that drug therapy helps to return the menstrual cycle to normal.
6. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS; One of the most common hormonal disorders in women of childbearing age. Although the symptoms differ in each person; Those with PCOS tend to have abnormal hormone levels, which can cause small cysts to develop on the ovaries. If you notice visible changes in yourself related to excessive acne on the face, body hair, male pattern baldness and obesity, and if menstrual irregularity is added to this, you may suspect PCOS.
Click here for our blog post on PCOS in more detail !
7. Pregnancy
Although we leave the first possibility to the last, pregnancy should not be excluded as a possible cause of menstrual delays. Even if people use birth control methods correctly, menstruation may be delayed and they may become pregnant. If she has an active sexual life, she can do a pregnancy test, but let's also mention that there is no 100% effective birth control method.
8. Perimonopause
Average onset of menopause; around the age of 52, when the person has not had a period for at least 12 months. In many people, symptoms begin 10-15 years before menopause, and this is known as perimenopause. Estrogen levels that start to fluctuate during this process can change a person's menstrual cycle, which can cause irregular or delayed periods.
In summary; If the reason why your period is delayed causes a lot of question marks in your mind, you can review these 8 items and take action quickly. Do not forget that there are FemTech tools to help you with this, and you can track your menstrual cycle day by day with an application you can download to your phone.
You can rely on your body awareness and doctors for your peace of mind, and on Kiklou menstrual panties for your body comfort.