Menstruation and Sleep Relationship

From cramps to breast tenderness, from increased appetite to low mood , menstrual period; It is much more than a bleeding process on certain days of the month. Sleep problems, especially related to menstruation, are quite common.
In this article, we have compiled the sleep problems we experience during bleeding days and the effects of the menstrual cycle on our sleep. Good reading!
During PMS, which starts about 1 week before the menstrual period and is like a menstrual preview, sleep problems can be experienced a lot. According to research , 7 out of 10 people state that there are changes in their sleep patterns 3-6 days before their menstrual periods.
(If you would like to review our article in which we discuss PMS in full detail, you can click here . We have also left a link in the bibliography section.)
If you have a standard sleep pattern and only notice that your sleep patterns are disrupted when your period is approaching or during your period, your menstrual cycle may be to blame. According to research conducted by the US National Sleep Foundation, 30% of people experience sleep disorders during menstrual periods. During the PMS period, the likelihood of experiencing insomnia doubles. In people with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PDD) , that is, people who feel high physical and mental anxiety as the menstrual period approaches, insomnia rates can rise to 80%.
Of course, changes in sleep patterns are not only related to menstruation. Factors such as stress and excessive coffee consumption are also included in infatuation.
Hormones fall and rise throughout the average 28-day reg cycle. The progesterone level in the body increases 1 week before menstruation and decreases with menstruation. At the end of menstruation, it starts to rise again. This decrease in progesterone levels in the body is the cause of insomnia during menstrual days. Of course; Progesterone isn't the only hormone that can affect sleep.
During menstruation, body temperature rises to some degree. This increase in temperature can affect sleep patterns. The reason of this; changes in estrogen levels. The part of the brain that regulates body temperature is affected by estrogen levels. If estrogen levels are low, hot flashes and night sweats may occur. This may disrupt sleep quality.
What can you do to improve the relationship between menstruation and sleep?
Although it may not sound very pleasant, you can take a cold shower before going to bed or lower the room temperature by opening a small window.
You may prefer caffeinated and alcoholic beverages less than usual.
You can reduce your salt and sugar consumption and focus on foods containing calcium.
You can keep yourself active and take plenty of walks to benefit from daylight.
By keeping a menstrual diary, you can plan the days when you anticipate having sleep problems. By sleeping more before sleepless days, you can invest in your future days and rest yourself more than ever.
If you are having difficulty solving it on your own, you can consult a specialist to have your hormone levels checked and include supportive supplements in your daily routine.
Don't forget!
Mood swings and cramps are some of the most common symptoms of PMS. However, while hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle cause little trouble except on bleeding days, they can cause you to barely sleep during your period.
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