Facts About Intimate Hygiene Products

Vajina ve vulvada kullanılması için önerilen genital, intim temizlik ürünleri hakkında Kiklou regl külodu markasının Blog görseli

You've seen these products in supermarket aisles and pharmacy shelves. You have seen product lists with price information in magazines or digital content that talk about the sensitivity of your "genital area". Users were happy to think that they were taking better care of themselves than non-users, while non-users had insidious concerns that they were not taking good care of themselves.

They all unite in one goal: cleaning the reproductive organs.

Among those that make us doubt, there is a product that is essentially the same, even though it appears under different names today: Intim cleaning product . Intimate washing lotion, intimate wipes, intimate cleaning wipes, genital area cleaning gel, daily genital washing gel, hygienic area cleaner, intimate care set... Do not look at these various names that we are particularly obsessed with, especially the "intim" and "hygienic" words in them; They all actually unite under one purpose: Cleansing the reproductive organs (in gel, cream, deodorant or wipe format).

Do you use intimate cleaning products for "bad" odor?

Before these products are marketed for cleaning the vulva and with their deodorizing properties, we must address the issue of "odor". For the most part, the smells you smell from your genitals are quite normal. Your vagina (the canal within the body that extends from the vulva to the uterus) may smell . Remember that it is full of bacteria. You have sweat and sebaceous glands adjacent to your genitals; These can also cause odor. The smell itself does not indicate that something is wrong. However, if there are other conditions accompanying the odor (more discharge than normal, yellow or green discharge, pain, itching, burning, redness, swollen lymph nodes, etc.), there may be an abnormality in the situation. Only your doctor can diagnose this.

You need to know these about vulva and vagina cleaning.

In fact, all these cleaning products, which are marketed as anti-odor and are said to keep the pH value of our "intimate" area at the required value, are quite unnecessary. Vaginas already clean themselves. Although the vulva (the outer part of the female genital organ) does not clean itself, it hosts a unique microbiota and a wide variety of microorganisms. In the (unfortunately few) studies conducted on "Intim" cleaning products, it has been observed that these products may increase the risks of bacterial and urinary tract infections when used on the vulva.

It is written that these products may inhibit the growth of healthy bacteria necessary to fight infection.

We repeat: There is no need to clean the vulva and (especially) the vagina with special products. It is recommended to leave your vagina alone. Instead of washing your vulva with special "intim" products that you buy at exorbitant prices, you can wash it only with water. Soaps, perfumed products, creams, gels... All of them can cause more harm than good.

Are Kiklou menstrual panties healthy?

Yes! Kiklou washable menstrual panties are a healthy menstrual product alternative. Harmful chemicals such as chlorine bleach, perfume or dioxin found in disposable pads are not found in our menstrual panties. It does not contain heavy and chemical antibacterial applications that may disrupt the vaginal flora and cause the destruction of good bacteria. The bacterio-static effect is achieved thanks to advanced textile technology. No chemicals harmful to human or environmental health are used in the production process.

>>>Click to review Kiklou menstrual panties now.

The Vagina Bible, Dr. Jen Gunter